Thursday, April 25, 2013

Toulouse to Paris by train

The quickest way back to Paris from Toulouse appears to be, Toulouse to Bordeaux and then to Paris.  This circumnavigates the Massif Central to the west.

However, as our friends needed to go to Aeroport Charles De Gaulle to catch their flight to Miami, and since we wanted to spend as much time with them as possible, we took the longer route which went to the east and took just over six hours.  This was not a problem as the trains are generally clean, fast and comfortable.  This was a double-decked train, and we had comfortable seats facing each other so we were able to talk, read, eat and watch the wonderful scenery.

After leaving Toulouse the train headed south to Narbonne then along the Mediterranean coast before a short stop at Montpelier.  Then it was north to Leon and Paris. A wonderful trip where we not only had views of Carcasonne but of the Mediterranean sea and the rugged mountains of the Massif Central.

Massif Central
We are back in our Paris flat now and find ourselves wondering, "did all of that really happen?"  Virginia continues to be amazed by her experience in Le Houga and we are both gob-smacked by the wonderful towns, villages and countryside that we saw.

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