Sunday, April 28, 2013

Something fishy

When invited to lunch, afternoon tea or dinner in France it is de rigeur that one takes a tasteful gift for the hostess.  It is considered extremely rude not to do so.  One might bring flowers, chocolates, patisserie, wine a book, or sardines.  Sardines?  How did they rate a place on this list of offerings?

When we were doing a walking tour of the city centre of Arcachon with our hosts, Claude pointed out to us a shop which sells all manner of sardines, plates on which to serve them, napkins with which to mop them up, suitable cutlery and all the other appurtenances that one could possibly imagine relating to sardines.  These little gems, it seems, are the "in vogue" offering when paying a visit.

The Sardine Shop in Arcachon
Of course, on 1 April, it is the custom to sneak up on one's friends and pin a paper fish on their back and at that time the chocolatiers are full of chocolate sardines.

A Tin of Chocolate Sardines
Now is this a health issue?  Are real sardines or chocolate sardines better for one's health?

For more on French sardine culture, click here and watch the video.

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