Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two days in Arcachon

It was with a degree of regret and slightly elevated blood alcohol levels that we left Saint Emilion. The drive to Arcachon was smooth and except for exceptionally heavy traffic just before our arrival, a lovely trip.  Barry kept talking to the GPS in American to which it responded that it only took verbal orders in French.  Fortunately, we were able to type in what we wanted and it spoke back to us, giving directions, in English.  Go figure.

Vegetables in the Arcachon Market
The weather here was lovely on arrival, reaching 30 degrees, clear and just as nice as one could ask for at a beach resort which is exactly what Arcachon is.  It is very classy.  The beaches are beautiful although when we noticed how few people were in the water we were told that it is very cold.  Whether that is always the case or just the time of year we didn't establish.  All along the front there are fine restaurants and just down from the hotel a pier cuts into the water.  It is very scenic.

The Pier at Arcachon
Much of our time here was spent with Barry's cousins.  Barry seems to have a multitude of cousins, conveniently scattered in places like Paris and Arcachon.  I am convinced he breeds them.  They are all lovely people and we have been greeted with enthusiasm and wonderful hospitality.  A short visit turns out to be seven or eight hours including at least one and often more delightful meals and a guided tour.  

Cousin Daniel doing the Creme Brulee
The weather did turn cold yesterday and we regretted the leaving of our coats in Paris, but soldiered bravely on.  We visited the market which is not huge, but the indoor section is extremely classy.  We were told that it is not where most residents do their shopping - apparently it feeds off tourists and the wealthier population.

Inside the Arcachon Market
There are tourists a-plenty although only during the warmer months.  Archachon has a resident population of about 14,000 although it looks to be much larger.  But, during the warmer season it swells to 300,000.  Of interest to us as Australians where water is always an issue, was to discover that the huge influx of tourists puts a serious strain on the facilities here and particularly on the supply of drinking and bathing water.

Elegant Arcachon
Wild Flowers
Yacht Basin at Arcachon
It was a delightful couple of days.

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