Thursday, May 2, 2013


Alix  is the youngest sister of Philippe  with whom Virginia made contact on 20 April in Le Houga (see previous blog). The last time Virgina and Alix saw each other was in 1961 in Bristol. Philippe recently put them back in contact and today Virginia and Alix met after an interval of fifty-two years.

They recognized each other immediately and had a wonderful afternoon reminiscing about the past and comparing notes about the intervening years.  They met at Place d'Aligre in the 12th arondissment where there is a little known but extensive outdoor and indoor market.  Here one can find every conceivable kind of produce for sale. Prices too were very much lower than at other, better known markets.

The Street Market
The Indoor Market
A Boucherie at the Market
After a longish lunch Alix took Virginia to meet one of her sons,  a well known photographer. 

It was another remarkable day when, despite all the obstacles and the many years, one could see how good friendships endure.

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