The main door into the building is generally quite stout and to open it is no mean feat. There is a keypad just to the right of the door and this either requires a multi-digit code or an electronic device to cause the door to unlock. Obviously there must be special codes or keys that are used by postal workers and others who need to get into the first foyer.
La Porte |
The Keypad |
Looking in from the Foyer |
Opening the second door |
The very small lift and stairs |
If you are not too exhausted, having run this gauntlet, you soon find yourself at your front door. French keys are marvels of complexity and the doors are designed to stand up against nuclear weapons. The key is inserted and then turned two or three times, held at a particular point and the door is pushed open. Once inside, it is possible to reverse the process, locking yourself well and truly in.
The Outside Lock |
The Inside Lock |
The "Exit" button |
Reminds me of a scene in a movie I saw in the French film festival in which Juliette Binoche desperately needs to talk to her mother who refuses to let her in. She does, however, manage to foil her mother and get into the building by ringing a neighbour's bell instead.